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Our Mission

We hear it often: businesses can either operate for the bottom line or for the people…and it can feel like an impossible feat attempting to accomplish both, in balance. At a societal level, Capitalism is increasingly being rejected as a viable and sustainable business model by employees in America. In 2020, a Just Capital survey (done in partnership with The Harris Poll) engaged approximately 17,000 U.S. adults. They found that only a quarter of respondents believed that our current form of capitalism ensures the greater good of society.

For so long, Capitalism has become the justification for companies to focus on maximizing profits. Get Looped is about changing the perspective of how to maximize value by redefining the way we look at and operate from within the context of Capitalism.

It’s not that Capitalism doesn’t work or that the drive to create a highly profitable organization can’t be. Quite the contrary! It is the revision of Capitalism and the creation of a Common Vision, through the guiding principles of Get Looped and supporting partner organizations, that we foster balanced, thriving businesses by allowing all Americans to be justly rewarded for their contributions to their work and their lives.

More leaders are voicing their need to change how they are shaping and operating their organizations based on today’s needs of a society calling for massive shifts. People want purpose, equality, transparency and integrity to be a part of their everyday lives, including at work.

The back story

For so long, Americans have been indoctrinated in the belief that the only purpose of businesses is to maximize profits. This perspective can be traced to an article published in the Sunday edition of the New York Times on Sept 13, 1970. It was entitled “The Social Responsibility of Business Is to Increase Its Profits” and it was written by a University of Chicago economist, Milton Friedman.

Friedman’s philosophy became the leading mantra for generations of business leaders. It has also become the justification for the steady exploitation of people, communities and resources in America. It provided validation for reducing wages and benefits, shipping jobs overseas, and shrinking domestic capital investments.

Then came the subtle shift towards increasing shareholder value. The propagated theory was that companies would be operationally enhanced if management’s interests and focus were aligned with the shareholders. Thus, founders and management were “incentivized” with stocks, options, warrants and pay packages that has been perverted into creating the greatest level of economic inequality in the history of this country. Nearly every issue we face today, from inadequate healthcare to global warming, all come back to this theory of driving all decisions towards the maximization of profits.

This continual, incremental reduction of “costs”, quarter after quarter has led to a systemic corrosion of our lives. The financial and emotional hardship stemming from the 2020 coronavirus pandemic has only further highlighted the awareness of the failings of today’s Capitalism.

The very real fear of becoming homeless or overwhelmed with debt hangs over the heads of millions of Americans like an economic guillotine. A contractor gets hurt and can’t work until she is healed, a child gets sick and requires hospitalization, an elderly parent falls and needs home care… these are common life events that carry the potential for financial disaster.

A justifiable, rising anxiety is the basis for today’s activism in the name racism, sexism, social justice, and financial inequality. All are a direct result of the abuse of Friedman’s philosophy and an antiquated view on Capitalism, which has left the needs of the American employee largely unheard, unanswered and uncared for.

A 2020 Just Capital survey also found that almost 9 in 10 Americans agree that 2020 and the challenges therein has presented an opportunity for companies to hit ‘reset’ and focus on doing right by their workers, customers, communities and the environment.

It’s time to create a seismic shift in how we do business in the United States and at GET LOOPED! Join us as we elevate how businesses operate and build upon the infinite possibilities of individual, organizational and community prosperity.

A new business model for a new time!

At GET LOOPED, we believe in being a part of the transformational opportunity for small and medium sized businesses (SMEs) to create positive change. We have chosen to focus on empowering SMEs because they have the ability for the quickest and most positive impact for people and their communities.

As the voice and advocate for SMEs in the U.S., we are dedicated to helping the owners and CEOs move past the traditional hierarchical management structure and shape businesses that include:

  • Creation of a common purpose
  • Valuing integrity
  • Increasing profitability
  • Established guidelines to support collaboration, cooperation, and shared / circular communication
  • Creation of greater value for ALL stakeholders
  • Structure formats for shared rewards
  • Quantifiable benchmarks to access progress and validate adjustments as needed

Infinite possibility of people.

Call to Action

What type of purpose do you want to live out? What type of future do you want for yourself, your loved ones, your people and your community?

If you are an organizational, political or thought leader seeking to further embrace your success while growing your company, reach out today to learn about the opportunities to apply the Prosperity Loop in your organization.

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